COVID-19 Resources

Madison & Dane County COVID-19 Resources

COVID-19, as tired as we are hearing about this pandemic, it is pivotal to stay informed with reputable resources. The internet has been a blessing, especially as people prepare to hunker down for an indefinite amount of time, but unfortunately, the internet can be filled with misinformation you have to sift through. Therefore, here is a compiled list of reputable resources within the Dane County that have helped us stay updated and well informed.

Important resources:

**If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, please call your healthcare provider, and follow the steps recommended by your hospital




** Currently – it is not recommended to got straight to the Emergency Department if you believe you’ve been exposed and/or experiencing COVID-19 symptoms. It is recommended you call your primary care provider prior to going in to any healthcare facility.

If you call 9-1-1, inform the dispatcher of your suspicions and symptoms, so that the crew responding to your call can better prepare for your needs, while staying healthy themselves.

We will face a difficult task during this pandemic, it isn’t going to be easy for many of us. But, there are always people who want to help. There are always people who care. Search for those people or be that person. Stay kind, strong, and healthy, friends! ~ Shantal

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