Tribute Day Update – Screenshots, Videos

If you read my previous post you know that Michael’s, the kiddo I’m riding for during the Great Cycle Challenge, and my photo were shown on the big screen at Times Square in New York. IT WAS A BIG DEAL and not only because we got to show off our best smiles 😉. But, because the…

Great Cycle Challenge #GCCUSA

This June I will be participating in the Great Cucle Challenge to raise awareness for kid’s cancer.  Why? Because every 2 minutes, a child is diagnosed with cancer, and that is simply, too many. Help me reach my $1000 goal by sponsoring me on my page. All proceeds will go to the Children’s Cancer Research…

Wintring is here!

• Wintring • You may be asking yourself, what is Wintring? It’s the season where everyone thinks it’s Spring, but Winter is not really over yet. I love it! Don’t get me wrong, Winter has it’s woeful moments.  But, having grown with a brother that loved being cold, and loved the Winter, it’s  difficult to…

Winter 2017-2018

When you stand firmly in your own personality, you encompass a breadth in which others can stand in.   2017-2018 Winter was nothing less than extraordinary.  From visiting the various light displays in Wisconsin, to pond hockey shenanigans, to winter sunsets/sunrises, to lessons learned, it really was everything one could hope for and more.  I…

Website Re-Design

If you have been following my website, you will have notice the changes throughout the years.  Among the many skills acquired since I began my journey creating websites for others, one of my favorites continues to be re-design.  It is always exciting to recreate and revamp something that may look tattered.  It goes without saying…

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