Completed! GCC 2019

We Kicked Kids’ Cancer Together! The Great Cycle Challenge of 2019 is complete!  With all the rain we’ve had, I was a little fearful I wouldn’t be able to meet my ride goal! As I finally have a little time to reflect on it, I can say that this year was better than last year…

Great Cycle Challenge 2019

First Ride, First Fall It was a perfect morning to commute to work today, and get the first ride of the challenge under my belt. I felt good, strong, going up hills & coasting down them. I frequently go over train tracks, but this one was wet and going diagonal from where I was going.…

Tribute Day Update – Screenshots, Videos

If you read my previous post you know that Michael’s, the kiddo I’m riding for during the Great Cycle Challenge, and my photo were shown on the big screen at Times Square in New York. IT WAS A BIG DEAL and not only because we got to show off our best smiles 😉. But, because the…

Great Cycle Challenge #GCCUSA

This June I will be participating in the Great Cucle Challenge to raise awareness for kid’s cancer.  Why? Because every 2 minutes, a child is diagnosed with cancer, and that is simply, too many. Help me reach my $1000 goal by sponsoring me on my page. All proceeds will go to the Children’s Cancer Research…

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