Being a healthcare busy bee has been extra tough lately. People are exhausted. But, we now have a vaccine. It may not be the golden answer, but it is, at the very least, an attempt to a solution.
Before I received my vaccine, people asked me if I would be getting it. My answer is, yes! “But, aren’t you scared since it came out so quickly?!” NO! I’m not scared – mRNA has been around for longer than people realize. And, honestly, I’m more afraid of having no solution. Working as a healthcare professional comes with responsibilities, not only to my patients and their families, but mine also. If this vaccine has the potential of even slightly keeping someone from the hospital, to me, it is worth it.
Pfizer the Vaccine
My Personal Experience
I received my first Pfizer on December 2020, and my second, Jan 2021.
With the first vaccine, my arm was slightly sore for about 24 hours. Arm soreness at the site of the injection is normal for any vaccine. I was not well hydrated and therefore, also acquired a slight headache. Which was easily fixed by downing a tall glass of lemon water. My second vaccine, I had arm soreness for about 4 hours following the vaccine. And, no other side effects/symptoms after that.
If you have questions about the process, feel free to send me a message. And, if you’re experiencing side effects/symptoms after your vaccine that last longer than 72 hours, contact your primary physician as it is possible there’s something else going on.
And, as with any vaccine, stay hydrated – especially if you drink caffeine and/or alcohol prior to, during, and after your vaccine.