Climbing has led us to many extraordinary places and has introduced us to some of the most amazing people. We’re so very grateful for that. Our beautiful couple of friends, who are also a couple, have been living in Utah for the past 8 years. They invited us to come out to celebrate a new milestone, and we couldn’t resist. We’d thought we’d take the scenic route. And, as a result, Josh, Arabella and I took a road trip to Utah!
We drove through Iowa, Nebraska, and Wyoming. We tried the infamous Runza, learned about giant sloths, and may have encountered our first pronghorn (not pictured because I was half asleep)
The tail-end of Iowa
The Runza
Pit Stop
It was crazy windy in WY
Blowover Risk
More like WYndy
After roughly eighteen hours of driving, we made it to Salt Lake City. It was later in the evening when we pulled into our airbnb. The night had a cool and dry feel to it. I was sporting leggings with a long-sleeve shirt, and a Josh was sporting his shorts and a hoodie. Arabella was excited to explore her surroundings and immediately was in love with the private fenced in backyard and obsessed with a fancy rug in one of the bedrooms. After some exploring of the yard, we headed straight to bed!
In the morning, we woke up surrounded by mountains. During the night when we arrived, it was a pretty dark night. It wasn’t until we had our morning coffee that we really got to appreciate those mountains. What a site to wake up to!
That morning our friends invited us over for breakfast before their gathering later that evening. It was such a nice visit. It felt like no time had passed since we last saw each other. I didn’t realize how much I had missed them. We caught up of life and conversed over some freshly made French pressed coffee. And, on top of feeding us some delicious eggs, and bacon they also gave us insight on the local spots to visit. Everything they recommended, we now also recommend. Visiting with them reminded me that there are people in life that don’t have to be in your life all the time to make a huge impact – they are those type of people.
One of the spots they recommend is the botanical garden which connects to several different trails. The botanical garden was in the midsts of all its spring blooms. From the Japanese Barberry to the lilac – everything smelled pretty spectacular.
After exploring the botanical garden we headed out to the trails. We got to the top of the trail where you can see the city of miles.