
Our Rabbits Turned 8!

It's hard to believe

I remember asking the first vet we took them to at the Humane Society what the life expactancy of a rabbit is – which is often a question people ask me now. The answer I got; it varies.

If you don’t get a rabbit fixed, feed them properly, and provide them with ample play and space; it is often 1-2 years. If you get them fixed, feed them properly, provide them with space, playtime, and they don’t have a hereditary issues, the average can be 8-10 years. 

To celebrate we made them a rabbits piñata.

We gathered some of their favorite snacks and strung them on a natural jute twine. 

Of course, Smoky was the first to check it out. She’s always been the little fearless investigator. Chief, on the other hand, took his time. But, eventually came around to the idea after watching Smoky try it first, of course. 

Cake Time

Cake Time



Finally coming around

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